Tuesday 8 February 2011

Small Notebook Computers

Small Notebook Computers : A small Notebook computer can be the ideal office solution for mobile business people, as you no longer need to sacrifice functionality for portability. Today's small notebooks are powerful enough and feature packed enough to completely replace your larger laptop.

There are 2 types of small laptops available on the market, these are known as the following:

    *      Netbook  
    *      Small laptop

The difference between these 2 types is that a netbook is a small laptop aimed for those who have interest in doing simple tasks such as browsing the internet and writing documents for example. Netbooks have the bare specifications to carry out these tasks, although looking identical physically to a small laptop. Standard small laptops pack more punch and may offer the ability to carry out multimedia functions as well as consisting of a larger hard drive to store more data.

What are you willing to spend

Before embarking on your journey you must first decide what your budget is. A more expensive laptop doesn't necessarily mean better performance, in fact far from it.

Size of screen

Size of screen is important, sizes start from 7 inch upwards.

Operating system

The operating system is the interface installed on the computer that allows you to interact with the pc. Two of the most popular operating systems on the market are Windows & Linux.

Harddrive size

The hardrive is what stores all your programs and files. Netbooks typically have small hardrives as they were designed for simple writing and browsing tasks.


Alot of people get confused with a computers memory as they think memory is related to the harddrive. This is not the case.


As netbooks and small notebook computers are fairly new there is a limited choice in the type of processor available.

When it comes to purchasing small notebook computers these days you will certainly realize how valuable they are.  They are no longer simply a luxury item for those with lots of money.  The variety available on the market today will most certainly fit most anybodies budget.  As mentioned, the important thing is that you educate yourself on the options and choices that are available, because not every computer will be suited for everyone’s individual needs.

Small Notebook Computers Are Available from Different Great Laptop Makers

If you like the idea of compact sizing from a powerful computer then you may want to consider the option of looking at small notebook computers. These fantastic compact computers are typically around the size of a spiral bound notebook which has A4 or letter sized pages.

You need to commit to taking time to look at preferably 3 or 4 different kinds of mini notebooks as you can compare the features that are on offer before deciding which of these are best for you.

Have you read : aCER lAPTOP cOMPUTER? :)

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