Wednesday 2 September 2009

HP Desktop Computers (Helpful Tips About it)

By Imanuel Henry

Many people these days are convert to Notebook computers and replacing the desktop computers. The winning value from Notebook computers are that they easy to carry and give high mobility. But if we look more into its specification, notebook computer has lower specification for its price. And there is something difficultness if we want to upgrade it. With desktop computers, we can have full control and easiness to upgrade or change the hardware.
For some user, the notebook computers have shorter life time because along with the notebook computers often to carry out from its desk, there can be high possibilities of shock that can impact to hard drives or screen fail. Other reason that signed as lack of notebook is that laptop can easily steal. If you lose your notebook, it may lose your valuable data too.

Therefore the desktop computers cannot be replaced. Many manufacturers have been developed desktop computers for many years. And now, let us take a look into one manufacturer, HP, Hewlett Packard, as one giant desktop computers manufacturer.
HP desktop computers are highly recommended for power user and limited location computers space. The HP Compaq Desktop Computers win markets attention through its stylish design supported with high-end specification indeed.

HP has released its affordable computers with HP Pavilion M9550F Elite Desktop PC. These HP desktop computers deliver an excellent high-end home entertainment and gaming experience with powerful computers to finish your PC task.
- Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5GHz, four cores in single processor
- 1 TB hard disk 7200RPM
- ATI Radeon HD 4850
- Blu-Ray Disc Playback and DVD burner with LightScribe technology
- Pre-installed 64-bit Windows Vista
- 15-in-1 card reader, 8 channels surround sound output, Gigabit Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LAN
- DirectX 10 gaming
For its entire feature above, you will not be worried about running the heaviest application smoothly, or store giant size of file. Its processor that have four cores in single processor combined with the memory and graphic card, gives unforgettable experience with For HP Desktop Computers. The internal 1TB hard drive is not easily to found in other desktop computers.

The HP Pavilion M9550F cons come from its reset button and lacks of hard power switch. The computer can be switched off or reset by the power button or unplug the PC. It may be a nice to have feature, but it is good enough if HP can added this value.

These HP Desktop Computers Reviews have great performance instead its lack of reset button and hard power switch. You will get extra powerful device that supported in anything you want to do with a desktop. You will not wait any longer for transferring file, running heavy application, or waiting the loading bar finished. Comparing with its price, it is worth to have these HP desktop computers in your home.

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